The farms of Malichita are located in the state of Sonora Mexico. This is an ideal area due to its advantegeous geographical position near the border with the United States. Guaymas in particular has a unique microclimate which is makes it ideal for vegetables production during the winter season. Its climate and rich farmland, has made it one of the most important and desirable agricultural production areas in the Americas.
Malichita Farms was founded in 1997 with 1750 acres of wheat in the area of San Fernando outside of Guaymas. During this same time La Malichita began experimenting with 85 acres of cantaloupe. Currently we grow over 2000 acres of intensively and sustainably produced vegetable per season.
In 1998 we began operations in Antonio Rosales fields, implementing the fist pressurized irrigation system of the company in 150 hectares for the intesive program we had this season.
Over the next six years we had different crops, zuchinni squash, yellow squash, gray squash, melon cantaloupe, melon honey dew and seedless watermelon.
In 2000 we began with the gradual acquisition of land in the expanding field Maytorena (later Malichita) in which 450 hectares are obtained with irrigated system.
Under the premise of being one of the most profitable companies in the state in the agricultural sector, we began to implement an strategic plan modernisizing facilities, cold storages, green houses, shadow houses, specialty crop development, certifications, pressurization, always under the standard of continuous improvement which is still working to date.
In 2004 Malichita searched for and found the most ideal farm for the expansion of seedless watermelon and honey dew programs, with facilities of presurrized irrigation, greenhouse seedling development, packaging, and housing.
By 2004 to increase the sowing area more rapidly we obtain other fields in the valley
Through an aggresive strategy in 2009 we obtain:
- Choya Production Unit: Greenhouses facilities, pressurized irrigation and packing house.
- Gaferza Production Unit: Pressurized Irrigation.
- Ursulo 1 Production Unit: Pressurized Irrigation.
- Ursulo 2 Production Unit: Pressurized Irrigation and Packing House.
Finally in 2011 the field Gaferza 2 was pressurized to continue to expand the program.
Currently we have a program with over 2000 hectares per season.

Logo 1997
Logo 2006